The (not so) oldies.
A tribute to music from the 80's and 90's.
Well if you saw this title and thought "So basically a post about Nirvana and a few other things" You are wrong BUT if you have failed to listen to some Nirvana in your life then you are out of your element(Donnie). So this is the point where I mention the greatness of Nirvana, moving on.
Lets start with the 80's music and move on from there, shall we?
Strawberry Switchblade had one major hit in the 80's, after that album they sort of disappeared from the music scene(sad face) but we can still enjoy what they did create(happy face!). In my life I try to channel these girls constantly, I mean just look at how rad they are.
Super rad right? Yes.
As for a song recommendation, Since Yesterday was a large hit of theirs and is a super rad song. It is perfect for those "I feel like going on a bike ride in polka dots in the rain" moods. Am I the only one that feels that way? Oh well, maybe.
You have heard of Duran Duran, even if you have no idea who they are you have.
You know the song "Hungry Like The Wolf" that is in like every American movie action scene like ever? That is by Duran Duran. I feel like Duran Duran is the best at dance parties.
Also The Moldy Peaches has a song relevant to them!
My personal favorite song however is Rio, sorry all you hungry wolves.
I have no idea how to even describe The Smiths. Just take all of your happy feelings and all of your sad feelings and imagine songs for them, the smiths probably wrote the song you are thinking (Mind readers probably). I recommend listening to several songs by The Smiths as each one is very unique.
But most of their songs seem to be sad, there are other like This Charming Man which are not exactly that.
I hear much more about Sonic Youths influence in the 90's then 80's but even then, they started in the 80's.
Sonic Youth has a grunge/punk vibe mixed with a lot f really rad lyrics and messages. It is hard not to find something to agree with or relate to in their lyrics(I promise). For more info, here is a 1988 PBS documentary on them! (Go PBS!)
And the 90's (roughly)
Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana X π
Just kidding, but still.
(I actually lied they started in 89)
Neutral Milk Hotel should already be known and hopefully loved) by any person who has read Will Grayson Will Grayson. This band had Two albums before they broke up, both are quite different.
In the Aeroplane over the sea is known to have been inspired by Anne Frank which makes it both sad and touching. I personally feel like On Avery Island(Their first album) is the perfect music to go with an old carnival scene, but that's just me.
These guys went on tour with Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Babes in Toyland and a few other REALLY rad bands from the 90's scene. They were also part of the documentary of said tour, 1991 :The Year Punk Broke. Part of that can be found right here!
And my personal favorite of their songs, This Town.
I love Pj Harvey way more then you can imagine. Again, no words can describe this love properly. Started by The Singer/Songwriter Polly Jean Harvey (Hence the P.J.) and later becoming a trio, this group really is a great example of UK musical greatness.
Basically everyone knows of Radiohead, or I think so anyways. I am just surprised at how how few people actual listen to Radiohead.(and how many people that wear radiohead shirts and don't listen to them, ugggg....)
Radiohead has a really great mixture of songs for various moods so I really recommend listening to several songs. My opinion and what seems to be the opinion of a lot of people(Including my father even, so you have the wisdom of years backing this up) Ok Computer is their best album.
And well, here is a song from that album! (Plus this music video is lovely)
And now everyone, go listen until your ears give out. I sure hope that I introduced you to something new or reminded you of an awesome band that you already know. Expect more music posts to come! Stay Rad everyone.