Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thrifty things

Today I went thrift store shopping and I got two shirts and a bag (one shirt and the bag pictured). Honestly I like thrifting more then I like shopping in stores. This is true for three reasons, the first being the price, the second being that I find awesome stuff that is actually vintage/real, The third is that I am not directly supporting the use of slavery with my fashion desires. Honestly I find it horrible that companies like forever 21 have brought slave labor to America by using illegal immigrants. If you had no choice but to leave your country quickly to have hope for your family and then were threatened by a company to keep quiet  about being under paid I am sure you wouldn't be very happy at all. To see more on Forever 21 and the horrid things that condone and practice look here
Now I know not all people will only buy fair trade things, I know I can't do it all the time but I have cut out forever 21.
Now onto this book, it is by my favorite author, John Green. It is his newest book and I am about half way through with it, it is really great as always from John Green! I definitely recommend you read it!
So in other news, I recently found out I have anemia. I will be fine though, and I am feeling better from taking iron!
I cut up my knees pretty badly the other day, so bandages it is until they heal.

Today's song: Broken arms by Does it offend you, yeah?


  1. I hyped your look :)
    you are sooo beautiful!
    I love your hair and your style!!

  2. i love your hair! the clothes you thrifted are so cute! my friends read "the fault in our stars" and love it. want to follow us and we will follow you back?


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