Sunday, May 20, 2012

This was last minute.

Top: thrifted  Skirt: beach couture  Shoes: Doc Martens Necklace: DIY
This outfit post was really last minute as you can tell by the setting sun. Ok fine, I mildly planned it to be that late but I expected to get home a bit too late for it too look this nice but I guess not. I spent yesterday in the local "this town is for art and old people and you know it" place (your town/area probably has one too, don't lie). I got some tips from this man in an art gallery about promoting my art and once I feel like my products are good enough I will go forth and try his ideas! 
On another note I am at a syle cross road, what the fuck am I going to do with my hair. My ideas were to stay purple(and redye it) or to go white. And by white I mean white, not blonde. The only problem is that white hair would take a lot of products which means a lot of money. Purple would cost less but needs to be redone often. Oh well... Well will see I guess...
And lastly, the point of this post! The clothes. So I got this skirt some time ago but have not worn it very much because I can't seem to style it very well. Also I have noticed that hi-low skirts make your legs look very large which I surly do not enjoy. I made that necklace as well, fake bullets with small crystals? I think yes.
Song of the day: Vanessa by Grimes.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Dress:   Shoes: thrift store  I actually have no idea on the hat or leggings.

Is it lame that I named this "sunlight"? Get it because there is light making the pictures look cool? Ok ok I know I am lame, but don't tell anyone. 
I got this dress from a lovely online shop! Click right here to go to it, go on, click this sentence, do it.
So you really should check out that shop, it is super great and the prices are great!
Also, I got those shoes from a thrift store, the little boys shoes rack actually(Is it sad that I even looked at the little boys section because I thought large kids shoes would fit?) Ok well either way I got these great shoes. 
So the last thing I have to say is that I will be starting an etsy shop! Here is how it will go, I buy things at thrift stores, I make them great with alterations or whatever is needed, and then people buy them. Keep your eyes out for that my lovely readers!
Song of the day: Since yesterday by Strawberry switchblade.

Monday, May 7, 2012

How soon is now?

Jacket/Thrift store  Crop top/DIY  Tank top/ forever 21  Skirt/pacsun  Shoes/thrift store  nekclace/etsy 
Sorry I have not posted in a while, I have been sick! I have finally gotten to the point in my sickness that I feel good enough to blog so here I am! I have been getting into painting and drawing a lot more recently so expect to see that up in a few days! I swear there is nothing hotter then water color paper and .005 pens, ok that is a lie but it is close enough. So aside from my weird obsession with art supplies things have been normal for me really, nothing crazy in a good or bad way.
Song of the day(which is also the title!): How soon is now by The Smiths.

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