Thursday, November 22, 2012


Those last two are ones for the books man.
BUT anyways, these photos are from my friend Kaya and I's lovely day of adventure and photo ops. We took a trolley for about an hour ride to another town and walked around taking pictures and trying to name out band. That brings me to my next point, we actually DID name our band! We are Atomic Airplanes. It only took us over a week and a lot of failed ideasd to figure out a name but you know, it is what it is. So Atomic Airplanes will be coming to a soundcloud profile near you soon! 
Song of the day: Strawberry by Paul Baribeau. 
Also, I made a lookbook post for what I wore that  day

Sunday, October 28, 2012


So so so sorry that I haven't made a blog post in a while! I have been feeling s atad sick, but I am feeling a bit better now and I am ready to come out of my cave.
So these are photos from my trip to Indiana last month. Ok, first of all it was LOVELY.The weather was grand and I was so happy to be there. It was foggy and cold every morning and then it slowly progressed to a mild temperate, from there it got to a really awesome chill at night. Lets just say most of my bag was jackets and coats.(hehe)
Also, I got polaroid film! I took some more photos will it as well and they will be up very soon! That one right there was taken by a family member. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The (not so) oldies.
A tribute to music from the 80's and 90's.

Well if you saw this title and thought "So basically a post about Nirvana and a few other things" You are wrong BUT if you have failed to listen to some Nirvana in your life then you are out of your element(Donnie).  So this is the point where I mention the greatness of Nirvana, moving on.

Lets start with the 80's music and move on from there, shall we?
  • Strawberry Switchblade.
Strawberry Switchblade had one major hit in the 80's, after that album they sort of disappeared from the music scene(sad face) but we can still enjoy what they did create(happy face!). In my life I try to channel these girls constantly, I mean just look at how rad they are.

Super rad right? Yes.
As for a song recommendation, Since Yesterday was a large hit of theirs and is a super rad song. It is perfect for those "I feel like going on a bike ride in polka dots in the rain" moods. Am I the only one that feels that way? Oh well, maybe.

  • Duran Duran
You have heard of Duran Duran, even if you have no idea who they are you have.
You know the song "Hungry Like The Wolf" that is in like every American movie action scene like ever? That is by Duran Duran. I feel like Duran Duran is the best at dance parties.
Also The Moldy Peaches has a song relevant to them!
My personal favorite song however is Rio, sorry all you hungry wolves.

  • The Smiths.
I have no idea how to even describe The Smiths. Just take all of your happy feelings and all of your sad feelings and imagine songs for them, the smiths probably wrote the song you are thinking (Mind readers probably). I recommend listening to several songs by The Smiths as each one is very unique.
But most of their songs seem to be sad, there are other like This Charming Man which are not exactly that.

  • Sonic Youth
I hear much more about Sonic Youths influence in the 90's then 80's but even then, they started in the 80's.
Sonic Youth has a grunge/punk vibe mixed with a lot f really rad lyrics and messages. It is hard not to find something to agree with or relate to in their lyrics(I promise). For more info, here is a 1988 PBS documentary on them! (Go PBS!)

And the 90's (roughly)
Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana X π 
Just kidding, but still.

  • Neutral Milk Hotel
(I actually lied they started in 89)
Neutral Milk Hotel should already be known and hopefully loved) by any person who has read Will Grayson Will Grayson. This band had Two albums before they broke up, both are quite different.
In the Aeroplane over the sea is known to have been inspired by Anne Frank which makes it both sad and touching. I personally feel like On Avery Island(Their first album) is the perfect music to go with an old carnival scene, but that's just me.

  • Gumball
These guys went on tour with Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Babes in Toyland and a few other REALLY rad bands from the 90's scene. They were also part of the documentary of said tour, 1991 :The Year Punk Broke. Part of that can be found right here!

And my personal favorite of their songs, This Town.

  • PJ Harvey
I love Pj Harvey way more then you can imagine. Again, no words can describe this love properly. Started by The Singer/Songwriter Polly Jean Harvey (Hence the P.J.) and later becoming a trio, this group really is a great example of UK musical greatness.
  • Radiohead
Basically everyone knows of Radiohead, or I think so anyways. I am just surprised at how how few people actual listen to Radiohead.(and how many people that wear radiohead shirts and don't listen to them, ugggg....)
Radiohead has a really great mixture of songs for various moods so I really recommend listening  to several songs. My opinion and what seems to be the opinion of a lot of people(Including my father even, so you have the wisdom of years backing this up) Ok Computer is their best album.
And well, here is a song from that album! (Plus this music video is lovely)

And now everyone, go listen until your ears give out. I sure hope that I introduced you to something new or reminded you of an awesome band that you already know. Expect more music posts to come! Stay Rad everyone.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Skirt: Handmade by me  Shoes: Vans sophies Jacket: Thrift store
Well, I have been super busy with college. So busy that I brought my drawing board(22 by 26 inches) to the coffee shop so I would not get distracted by my computer at home. I need to have all of my midterm stuff ready early because I am leaving for a week to go to Indian! I am so excited for the trip, I even spent $30 on polaroid film so I can take some really lovely photos while I am there. I also am so stocked just for the plane ride. My love for airplanes is ridiculous, when I am older all I could hope for is to have access to a small personal plane. But well, that is not extremely likely I suppose.
I also intend to do a tone of work on my strangers project.(You don't know about it?! Well find out here,
Anyways, I will have plenty of things to post about when I get back. Goodbye for now!
Song of the day: Airport Disco by Athlete 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Some days.

Jacket and shirt: handmade by me   Skirt: Romwe   Shoes: Traffic
Don't these over exposed photos look grand? Ha, no. No they really don't, BUT I do appreciate this outfit a bit. 
Also, my hair. I think it knows about as much about how it will fade as I do but honestly I like it!
Also, I intend to start making more posts about non-fashion things. Art and music mainly, but other things will slip in there. I have also been in a really strange mood recently, shifting from happy to sad at really stranger intervals.The good part being that at my doctor found a problem that may be the cause of that and it is easy to fix!
The funny thing is, though the skirt is for Margot and the Nuclear So and So's, they are not the artist for today. (Don't sell band tees? I will make my own! hahaha!)
Alright song time. I have been SUPER into Kimya Dawson and The Moldy Peaches recently. It makes me want to watch Juno non-stop. Kimya Dawson may juts be my current favorite human(joking, sort of)
Song of the day: Loose Lips by Kimya Dawson
Bonus track because I had too: Jorge Regula by The Moldy Peaches.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A couple ways to combat a sucky day.

No one likes bad days and if you do then I am not sure whether to praise you or be concerned. 
Here are a way simple things that may help combat the amount of world suck (Thank you nerfighteria) you have crossed paths with today.

1. Anything but think about it.
No seriously, do anything to cheer yourself up while taking your attention off of the problem(s) at hand. Do something creative maybe or listen to really silly pop music and laugh at how terrible it is. Having a really average happy conversation or hanging out with a friend is always helpful too.

2. Take a walk or bike ride in a pretty place.
This is surprisingly helpful really. Just think of your favorite place and go there. Drive, walk, ride whatever you want. Just admire that place and the good points of it. I normally go to parks or the beach at night for this sort of stuff, but everyone has there idea of a nice place.

3. Literally swing-sets.
By this point you are probably certain I am a crazy person but no, I am so serious. Just go to a park and swing on a swingset, listen to some music if you want as well. The action of doing so takes motion and some amount of concentration which will help keep your mind clear, it is also fun as shit. Just give it a try, it may be less crazy then.

4. Have a solo mini punk festival.
Play some loud music, something aggressive. It can be anything you want, for this I always go to Nirvana but hell screamo fans will love this step. Head-bang,  dance like an idiot, sing along(or yell along) until it just becomes fun. It totally works, I promise.

5. Be creative.
As I said in the first tip, create something! This works really well, maybe better then any of the other steps. Just get creative in any way, write a story, draw something, learn a song on some instrument, learn to play an instrument in the first place, file some legal paper, ANYTHING! Just create and do something and by the time you are done you should at least fell a bit better, if not ready to kick today's ass.

Well I hope my little tips will help some of you on your worst of the worst days. Have a lovely day everyone!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Dress: Romwe   Shoes: Thrift store  Necklace: Etsy

I am trying to get back into making more blog posts, so far I am doing alright haha. In all honestly I am not sure on this dress, it fits me sort of oddly. Then again the color is really lovely, eh I will suffer through looking like a vegetable. 
So I started college about a week ago and so far it has gone pretty well! I will however say that it does make my schedule a bit more packed. I will also be posting some of my finished assignments sometime later!
Song of the day: Treats by Sleigh bells.

Friday, August 31, 2012

(and Miami)

 This is the street on the way there at 5 in the morning.
 This is probably my favorite picture form the abandoned stadium we went to before the meetup!

My friend Marina, her boyfriend and I road tripped to Miami recently! We did this mainly for the reader started and put together Rookie meetup. It was an incredible trip! Our first stop was my first reword for my  hours of research into abandoned places (Which I really really love). This jewel was perfect for photos and just general sight seeing, it was totally covered in graffiti(as you can see) but in real life it is ever more impressive honestly.
Then later that day we went to a really weird downtown Starbucks(everyone thought we looked silly in our dresses) and then to the meetup! I will eventually share a picture of the cute flower crown I made at the meetup and well Marina and her boyfriend made that hell of a cute balloon friend you see there. After that we went to sweat records, a vegan cafe/record store. That is where that cool eyeball mural is! I had a weird cheesecake(sort of cheesecake?) and bought a Neutral Milk Hotel record. I mean fucking On Avery Island, how could I not buy it? 
Over all the trip was amazing! I loved all the ladies there, super rad chicks(and their boyfriends were cool too). The film photos were taken by one of the girls there actually! here is her blog:

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